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태경물산 제품소개 페이지

이 페이지의 내용을 보려면 최신 버전의 Adobe Flash Player가 필요합니다.

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이 페이지의 내용을 보려면 최신 버전의 Adobe Flash Player가 필요합니다.

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유압 > 텐텍 > Torque Wrench
제품명 : PN Series - Pneumatic Torque Wrenches
- Hardened alloy steel for durability and long cycle life
- Bearings support the loads experienced at the square drive
- Multiple stage planetary gear system with optimized tooth
- Smooth ball bearing rotation of the gearbox housing independent
from the motor handle
- Lightweight aluminum handle with durable, slip-resistant textured coating
- Ultra-efficient air motor provides accurate and repeatable stall
- Cartridge-style valves provide easy replacement
-One finger trigger control for forward and reverse
- O-rings seals keep grease in while keeping water and dirt out.

이 페이지의 내용을 보려면 최신 버전의 Adobe Flash Player가 필요합니다.

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