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유압 > 에너팩 > Cylinder
  General Purpose(6) Low Height(2) Lightweight AL(4)
  Hollow Plunger(2) High Tonnage(4) Specialty Lifting(4)

RC-series, single-acting general purpose cylinders

RC-series, single-acting general purpose cylinders capacity (ton): 5 - 95 stroke: 16 - 362 mm max. pressure: 700 bar

RR-series, double-acting long stroke cylinders

RR-series, double-acting long stroke cylinders capacity (ton): 10 - 520 stroke: 57 - 1219 mm max. pressure: 700 bar

BRC and BRP-series, single-acting pull cylinders

BRC and BRP-series, single-acting pull cylinders capacity (ton): 2,5 - 50 stroke: 127 - 155 mm max. pressure: 700 bar

SC-series, single-acting cylinder-pump sets

SC-series, single-acting cylinder-pump sets capacity (ton): 5 - 90 stroke: 38 - 362 mm max. pressure: 700 bar

BRD-series, double-acting precision production cylinders

BRD-series, double-acting precision production cylinders capacity (ton): 4 - 23 'stroke: 28 - 260 mm max. pressure: 700 bar

BAD-series, attachments for BRD-series cylinders


RSM, RCS-series, low height cylinders, single-acting

RSM, RCS-series, low height cylinders, single-acting capacity (ton): 5 - 150 stroke: 6 - 62 mm max. pressure: 700 bar

CLP-series, single-acting pancake lock nut cylinders

CLP-series, single-acting pancake lock nut cylinders capacity (ton): 60 - 520 'stroke: 45 - 50 mm max. pressure: 700 bar

RAC-series, single-acting aluminum cylinders

RAC-series, single-acting aluminum cylinders capacity (ton): 20 - 150 'stroke: 50 - 250 mm max. pressure: 700 bar

RACL-series, single-acting lock nut aluminium cylinders

RACL-series, single-acting lock nut aluminium cylinders capacity (ton): 20 - 150 stroke: 50 - 250 mm max. pressure: 700 bar

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