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유압 > 에너팩 > Press
  Workshop(1) Roll-frame(1) Arbor(1)
  Accessories(1) Tension Meter(1) Hydraulic Vise(1)

XLP, VLP-series, bench and workshop presses

XLP, VLP-series, bench and workshop presses capacity: 10 - 200 ton max. vertical daylight: 430 - 1340 mm max. horizontal daylight: 432 - 1220 mm max. pressure: 700 bar

BPR-series, roll-frame presses

BPR-series, roll-frame presses capacity: 50 - 200 ton max. vertical daylight: 942-1295 mm max. horizontal daylight: 730-1219 mm max. pressure: 700 bar

A-series, arbor and c-clamp presses

A-series, arbor and c-clamp presses capacity: 5 - 30 ton max. vertical daylight: 165-305 mm max. horizontal daylight: 51-178 mm max. pressure: 700 bar

A, VB and VH-series, press accessories & speed chart


TM, LH series tension meter and load cells

TM, LH series tension meter and load cells capacity: 900 - 90.000 kg capacity: 2000 - 200.000 lbs accuracy: ± 2%

BV-series, Hydraulic Bench Vise

BV-series, Hydraulic Bench Vise Capacity: 5 ton (45 kN) Max. Jaw Opening: 203 mm max. pressure: 700 bar

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태경물산 태경물산 대표자:김승준 / 주소: 부산 사상구 괘법동 578번지 산업용품상가 3동 106호 우편번호: 617-809 Tel: 051-319-3404~6 / Fax: 051-319-3407 / 이메일: taekyung3404@naver.com COPYRIGHTS(C) ALL RESERVED BY 태경물산 법적고지 개인정보취급방침 이메일무산수집거부